Key Info

Tara is a Scientific Officer in the Palaeontology Collection, at the Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum.

She is a geologist with a passion for science education and communication. She is currently investigating the fossilisation processes (taphonomy) that occurred within an 11-16 million-year-old rainforest-lake deposit called McGraths Flat situated in central New South Wales.

She also conducted the evaluation of research and engagement outcomes of the citizen scientist project, Date a Fossil, which engages the general public in palaeontology research. The results of this work were published in the Journal PloS, 2023.


PhD, University of New South Wales | 2020.

Lithofacies and Biofacies analysis of Earth’s oldest subaerial hot spring deposits from the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia

MPhil, University of New South Wales | 2015

Assessing the link between Earth’s oldest stromatolites and hydrothermal fluids: The c. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia

Bachelor of Science, Macquarie University | 2013

Geology and Palaeontology


Member, Geological Society of Australia.

Adjunct Lecturer, University of New South Wales.

Adjunct Fellow, University of Queensland.

Grants, awards and scholarships

  • Australian Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship, UNSW. 2016-2019
  • Best student presentation, 17th Australian Space Research Conference. November 15, 2017
  • Australian Centre for Astrobiology Scholarship, UNSW, 2013.
  • Macquarie Education Costs Scholarship, Macquarie University, 2011-2012.
